The SEN scarf is inspired by the transformations in women's life. Its cyclicality and entanglement. The need to hide, hide, rest from time to time. The hare is a symbolic moon animal, because it sleeps during the day and is awake at night. In the fairy tales and legends of many nations, the hare and the moon are one and the same. Due to the large number of offspring, it is considered a symbol of fertility, a symbol of ever-renewing life. Because of his timidity, he is sometimes a symbol of fear.
Collection of illustrated silk and cotton scarves - MAY COLLECTION - flower for every woman. I dedicate the collection to all the ents.
The face of the collection is the charming and talented actress and director Petra Nesvačilová. Petra is synonymous with a strong and courageous woman who also dares to be fragile. She's fearless, she fights crime, she lends voice to those who can't be heard. Petra's my superhero.
My traditional silk scarf in size 90x90 cm from 100% Italian silk. The scarf is the result of handicrafts in my sub-Conn. studio - it was created on the basis of watercolor paintings, details can be seen in the pictures.
When taking care of the scarf, I recommend hand washing in lukewarm water.
The size of the scarf is 90x90 cm
100% silk - satin
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Get inspired in pictures and on my Instagram howto wear a scarf!
Photo Dita Hromádková